Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to maintain a sufficient level of erection to perform a full sexual act. The second name of the pathology is impotence. Erectile ability is the key to male confidence. Deterioration of sexual life leads to psychoneurotic disorders, apathy and even depression. According to statistics, every 10th man faces erectile dysfunction. And now the situation is even more serious – the frequency of early impotence is increasing.

Why does erectile dysfunction occur?

A man’s sexual health depends on many conditions:

  1. the proper functioning of the endocrine system;
  2. psychological health;
  3. a satisfactory state of micro- and macrocirculation;
  4. the anatomical structure of the genitals;
  5. neurological health.

The impact of negative factors inevitably affects the sexual life of the man. Erectile dysfunction is provoked by drug addiction, alcohol dependence, psychopathology. Among the endocrine factors such dysfunction is accompanied by diabetes and glandular insufficiency. Anatomical disorders are also not uncommon – Peyronie’s disease, fibrous deposits and sclerotic changes in the cavernous bodies of the penis. In some cases sexual failure leads to diseases of the spinal pathology, polyneuropathy and disorders of cerebral circulation.

However, modern medical practice shows that the causes of erectile dysfunction are most often due to the unsatisfactory state of blood vessels supplying the penis. Provocateurs of this process are atherosclerotic lesions, hypertension and diabetic microangiopathy. Therefore, a patient with erectile dysfunction is shown a comprehensive examination to identify the root cause.

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is more often a consequence of other pathologies, i.e. it is the first symptoms of a serious disease that begins, so you should immediately go to the clinic. The doctor will determine the causes of the disorder and advise which specialist to turn to in order to solve the problem once and for all. Alarming signs indicating the initial stages of sexual dysfunction in adult men are:

  • Periodic or regular disappearance of an erection during intercourse;
  • Premature ejaculation;
  • Absence of orgasm;
  • Absence of ejaculation;
  • Absence of an erection in spite of apparent arousal;
  • Sharp decrease in libido;
  • Inability to have intercourse with a partner.

If you want to find a quick solution, you should visit